Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or inquiries you may have. Regardless of which method you choose to reach us please leave the nature of your business, name, e-mail and/or phone number, along with the best time to reach you. If no answer on the phone, please leave a message and it will be responded to very quickly.
Thank you for your interest in Uhlenhake Landscape & Design. We look forward to hearing from you. - Alex Uhlenhake
Call/Text: 419-953-1238 - Alex's Cell Phone - Replies with text are very prompt.
2024 Office Hours
By Appointment to Your Convenience
Before visiting, call/text to make an appt during these available times:
Monday - Sunday 7:00am - 8:00pm
Holidays - By Appointment Only
Call or Text Alex 419-953-1238 to easily set up a time to meet.
New 2024 Seasonal Hours (No Appt. Needed)
Starting March 30th - June 29th. We are Always Open Saturdays 8am - 1pm.
***All Other Saturdays Throughout the Year are by Appt. Only***
Now Accepting
Credit Cards!
***2% Proceessing Fee will Apply***
Fill Free to Contact Us by filling out this form.
Our goal is to always provide the best customer service we can. So, to continue this great customer service, I ask that you begin to think about any landscape services you wish to have completed for the upcoming 2022 season. If you have any landscaping in mind you would like completed for the spring, summer, or fall seasons, please contact me as soon as possible. I usually have a general recommendation: Please contact me to make arrangements for a landscaping job 2-4 months before you would like it completed. Now, this is not set in stone and if you do not contact me so far in advance, we can still be flexible and will do our best to complete your landscaping in a timely manner. But in an effort to provide the best customer service to you, the sooner we know, the sooner we can schedule the completion of your landscaping to your satisfaction. We are now scheduling jobs for 2022 and it is filling up fast, so please contact me soon.